by Alison Benjamin and Brian McAllum
Likes: a romantic guide for the aspiring beekeeper
The authors, who have just 2 years of beekeeping under their belts, basically say that knowing when to add supers is part of the art of beekeeping. They suggest that would be when the bees have begun drawing out the outermost frames of the brood box, and supering again when the previous one is half-full. Wait... does that make sense? As with most books, this one is written for Langstroth hive beekeepers. If you have a TBH, their supering scheme loosely translates to: make sure the bees always have two or three bars to work with between the last honey comb and the false back.
Likes: a romantic guide for the aspiring beekeeper
- beautiful images (even has a photo of a top bar hive)
- a really good overview of the life of a honeybee (by caste)
- pictorial instructions for hiving a nuc (most books explain hiving a package, which is the most common way to populate a hive in the US)
- a list of bee-preferred plants
- descriptions of varietal honeys
The authors, who have just 2 years of beekeeping under their belts, basically say that knowing when to add supers is part of the art of beekeeping. They suggest that would be when the bees have begun drawing out the outermost frames of the brood box, and supering again when the previous one is half-full. Wait... does that make sense? As with most books, this one is written for Langstroth hive beekeepers. If you have a TBH, their supering scheme loosely translates to: make sure the bees always have two or three bars to work with between the last honey comb and the false back.
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